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    We want you to be able to choose the sources that you want to see in your news feed. We'll show you the most popular sources for each topic, and you can choose which ones you want to see.

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    Assist by Neuws

    Assist by Neuws is an accessibility first feature. With Assist, our focus is to make the news more accessible for everyone, including those with visual, hearing, and cognitive impairments.

    Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws Hands Free by Neuws

    Hands Free by Neuws

    Hands Free is a voice control feature for Neuws that allows users to listen to news while doing other tasks, it uses the latest voice recognition technology for a seamless experience and high-quality audio.

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